Shark confusion

One of the TERI-Bangalore people working in the office/guest house in Thiruvananthapuram brought his 5-year-old son with him. They went to the Thiruvananthapuram zoo (or, as the child calls it, "joo"; he didn't understand when I said "no, it's a zzzzoo, with a z. I'm a Jew!"), and now he can't stop talking about animals (well he's been blabbering about them in Telugu, but he says the animal names in English). Interestingly, American and Indian children have different hand symbols for animals. He started going on and on about sharks, so I put my hands together above my head and starting singing the quickening Jaws music. He looked totally confused. "No, SHARK!" and put his hands together Awkward Turtle-style (one hand on top of the other with thumbs sticking out and twirling). "No, that's a turtle," I explained, and put my hands together above my head again. "This is a shark. My hands make a dorsal fin. Scary approaching shark!" Then his father cut in. "Actually, no. He doesn't get why that would be scary. He thinks you're just doing a big namaskar." Oops.